Pi-Hole FAQ's
What is pi-hole used for?
Pi-Hole is an outbound DNS system. This means when you click on a link that can be automatically blocked by Pi-Hole. This can also happen when you are automaticly directed to a domain that is loaded by a script or hidden in an email without you noticing.

Can Pi-Hole block ads?
Yes, but only if they are called from the client side (means your side) and not on the server side. For example, if a streaming video contains advertisements. This is generated on the server side and Pi-Hole can't block them.

What happens when I mark a domain as whitelisted?
First: You can only whitelist a domain you have successful added to the database. The domain you have marked as whitelisted wil be left out during download for everyone. The administrator can take-over the domain if this is proven dangerous.

What happens when I upload my email list?
First: The system splits the email address into 2 parts. The domain and the rest. The domain will be checked and added to the database if it's not exist.